Hi, I'm Michelle - Pragmatic BFF to Visionaries, an outstanding Operations Optimiser, and a formidable Task Master.

It all started in Chicago...
Where I grew up and completed my marketing degree at the University of Illinois. Then I moved to Newcastle upon Tyne, England literally one day after I graduated. Pretty bold move, right?!
The truth is at 20, I had met a Brit that wooed me with his accent and descriptions of the Geordie nightlife! After finding a visa that afforded recent graduates the opportunity to live and work in Britain for 6 months, my fate was sealed.
I jumped on that aeroplane and never looked back. 17 years later and although my marriage to that Brit didn’t work out, I ended up with 2 beautiful and clever children, and the three of us are right at home in Newcastle.
Fresh out of Uni and in a foreign country, I was determined to forge a high-flying career using my straight-talking, American ways….
I worked my way up the corporate ladder...
Eventually ending up as the right-hand woman to the CEO and Operations Director of a global, £25m turnover business.
I managed strategic, cross-functional projects, helped develop and then rolled out the company-wide, annual objective setting system and analysed so much business and financial data for Board Meetings that I’m surprised I still have a full head of hair.
All of that was empowering and exciting but after my 2nd daughter was born, the pressure and stress got too much to bear. In a moment of overwhelm, I handed in my notice and concocted a plan to start my own business using all the skills and experience I had gained in the corporate world.

Which brings me to you…
It’s my mission to help ambitious, visionary CEOs, just like you, turn their vision into reality.
I do this using my Scaling Success Ecosystem which has been developed over the past several years working with CEOs who are on this scaling journey. Together, we’ve nailed the three key areas to scaling your business with sanity and focus: Planning, Processes & Systems and People.
I’m here to help you step into your true CEO role with:
Clear, strategic goals and plans that are executed efficiently and effectively
Streamlined processes and systems that free up time, headspace and energy
A superstar team that are aligned and focussed to the business's strategy
I would be remiss if I didn’t share my core values.
This is what you can expect when we work together…
1. Keep things simple
As a busy mum with two kids and two furbaby Bengal cats, I want to enjoy running a business and still have the energy left to make the most of my time with them. I’m always asking if there is an easier, simpler way to do things to keep my sanity intact and happiness levels high.
My mission is to “keep it simple”. Every goal that we set, every process and system that gets implemented, is to make your life easier - not harder, so you can also enjoy more time with the people or activities that you love.
2. Tell it like it is
I’m not a “yes” person. I'm not just going to go along with every new idea you come up with.
I push back with a “no” if the timing isn’t right to undertake an exciting, new project. I’ll tell you not to pursue an idea that isn’t aligned to your goals. And I’ll tell you straight up if there is a problem (but I’ll always come bearing at least one solution too).
3. Have fun along the way
If we don’t laugh at least once during our calls together, something isn’t right.
Playing hard, for me, is all about long walks in the woods with friends or my girls, dressing up the cats in silly costumes, reading about all things “woo woo” (mystical, not steam trains) and building Lego or colouring in whilst drinking my Starbucks Frappucino.

Ready to take your business to the next level?